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[codex] Registration

Preinscripción Máster extraordinaria

Pre-registration for the Master's Degree in Art and Design for Extended Realities and Video Games

To register for the Master's degree, you must follow the steps below:

First you must register in the Àrtic application to create a username and password. The fields marked with the symbol * are mandatory fields.

After completing all the steps of the registration, a summary screen will be displayed with the chosen options, you must confirm the registration.

By completing this registration, the following two conditions are accepted:
Responsible declaration: The applicant declares under his/her responsibility that he/she fulfils the requirements to participate in the tests of the present call and is informed that the administration may require at any time the documentation accrediting this fulfilment.

Verification of identity: The applicant authorises the body to validate his/her identity with the information from the Ministry responsible for the identity data verification system.

Once you have registered online at Àrtic, you must fill in this web form and submit the documentation.

The documentation to be provided on the form will be:

  • DNI, NIE or Passport.
  • Degree that gives access to the Master's Degree.
  • Transcript of records.
  • Curriculum Vitae.
  • Portfolio (maximum 5 pages)
  • Proof of payment of fees (to access form 046 go to 'Process payments' and select 'Pay'): Instructions for payment of fees.
  • If applicable, copy of the documentation accrediting the exemption or reduction in fees.
  • If applicable, documentation accrediting specific educational needs derived from physical, mental or sensory disabilities or other serious disorders, with official recognition of a degree equal to or greater than 33%.
  • Motivation letter written by the applicant. In it you must state the reasons why you want to do this postgraduate master's degree (academic, professional, personal).

IMPORTANT: Registration will not take effect unless you complete the registration in the Àrtic application and fill in the form with the respective document upload.

By logging in with your personal passwords at you can consult the following:

The status of the registration (Admitted / Excluded).

The term of the registration has finalised/finalized.

Consult registrations realised/realized previously